Thursday, June 30, 2016

Yankee Candle's: Peeps Marshmallow Chicks- Candle Review

Today I am reviewing Yankee Candle's Peeps Marshmallow Chicks 22oz, single wick candle. The wax is a lovely pale yellow and pools out to a buttery yellow. There are some Peeps chicks on the label and this candle is part of the Collectors Edition.

The scent description on this candle reads: The fluffy, sweet marshmallow scent of these classic treats welcomes spring with colorful fun.

Cold Sniff: On cold sniff, the single most simplified description for this candle would be -RICE CRISPY TREATS! Which, GOD, I love so much. I think most of the world loves them too, I have not met anyone who doesn't like the taste or smell of rice crispy treats. Peeps on the other hand,  people either love them or hate them. If you are one of the latter, don't worry, this candle scent appeals to most anyone and is a sweet, confectioners, gooey marshmallow delight. Just opening the lid and smelling this candle would quell even the most serious sugar craving!

Hot Throw: Woo! Praise the Lord, this candle was a thrower! It was a nice strong thower- especially in an actual room. When I placed this candle in my open-concept house I still noticed the scent, but much less concentrated. But put this baby in a room and BAM delightful. It smells the same on hot as it does on cold sniff and this candle was my FAVORITE version of vanilla/marshmallow/sugar that I've ever burned from Yankee. I have heard of mixed-reviews on this particular candle scent and was reluctant to purchase it, but for the SAS it was only $7, so I hit the jackpot. I am kicking myself for not picking up more. The first 2 burns provided a very strong scent throw, and towards the middle and the end, the throw was a few notches dialed back, but still very prominent.

Wax Performance: The candle burned spectacularly with no issues. The last burn, the wick drifted off center, but I continued to burn the candle none the less until it self extinguished. 

Overall: This candle was delicious and I am upset that I didn't stock up for the ONLY $7 it cost me. I know I was not expecting such a spectacular performance from this candle due to the reviews I heard on it. But, I am lucky that I got an A1 performing candle! I would definitely recommend this candle to any sweet, sticky, ooey-gooey sugar lover!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Yankee Candle's: Baby Powder-Candle Review

Today I am reviewing a 22 oz, 1-wick candle from Yankee Candle called Baby Powder. It is presented with crisp white wax and a label depicting talcum powder and a mirror and a brush.

Scent Description: a soothing, fresh scent that gently cleanses the spirit and gives it a soft touch of innocence. WHAT A STORY! They should just state that it smells like baby powder and quit with the nonsense fluff!

Cold Sniff: This scent is plainly and simply baby powder. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want authentic baby powder scent, perfect for a bathroom or bedroom or even a baby shower gift--this is YOUR scent. This goes on my list of one of the most authentically scented candles I've ever smelled. And I like authentic. I love nostalgia and if candles smelled 100% like what they SAY they smell like it would be all over for me. I'd go broke buying candles. If I was blindfolded and someone put this candle under my nose, I would 100% guess I was smelling actual baby powder. And I'd be willing to BET MONEY that others would make the same assumption too.

Hot Throw: This is one of the stronger Yankee's I have burned in a while and I am pleased about that. After a round of several weaker scents--followed by a strong Gingerbread and then this Baby Powder, I am feeling good about Yankee again. That being said--I have permanently quarantined all my Yankee's to be burned in a medium sized room, no more open foyer burning for them because then I don't notice them, and I want to notice them. I PAY to notice my candles. In my media room this candle was noticeable and medium to deep throwing. On hot throw this candle was as authentic smelling as it was on cold. There was no scent change or deviation in the transition of hard wax to melted wax.

Wax Performance: I burned this candle with an Illuma Lid, like I do all my Yankee Jars. I just don't have time to wait for my Yankees to pool out under normal circumstances. They are excruciatingly slow burning candles which are a catch 22 for me. Sometimes it's great and other times I'd wish they'd just hurry up so I can move to a new scent! This candle had no problems with tunneling, wick or wax discoloration. There was a point at the midway point that I got some residue of wax on the walls of the glass jar, but that is normal to me with Yankee. Nothing too bad.

Overall: I really was pleased with the hot scent throw of this candle and the true to nature scent of this candle. It was authentic baby powder and would make a unique baby shower gift! It is a very congenial scent that most people would be okay with burning. I would recommend this candle and would repurchase it!

Bath & Bodyworks: Provence Garden-Candle Review

Today I am reviewing Bath & Bodyworks 14.5oz, 3-wick candle called, Provence Garden. It is presented in a clear glass container with a picture depicting a wooden fence and some climbing foliage with a purple flower. I really like the label, and the font as well. The wax is a light green, and pools out to a deep emerald.

Scent Description: from garden to table, much of French cuisine includes herbs like the ones in this blend of fresh garden greens, pear blossoms and a hint of ivy.

Cold Sniff: I bought this candle blindly, I had never smelled it in the stores, but knew I wanted it based on the name and the label. I love garden or green type smells. And I love Provence France. This scent is a green fruity scent, with the pear blossoms blending lovingly with an herbal note. Ivy--not sure that it even has a scent in reality, wasn't noticed by me in cold sniff. While I was OK with the cold-sniff, I wasn't like dying of sheer delight. It was not the most impressive garden scent I have ever smelled, nor was it the worst.

Hot Throw: I had this candle burning on the lower level of my open floor-plan 2 level home right at the entrance table of my foyer. I have very high cathedral ceilings. This scent was a steady medium, and noticeable. I smelled it the strongest at the top of my stairs, a floor directly above where I was burning it. Made perfect sense to me. I noticed it slightly more muted in the surrounding areas on the same floor that I was burning it on. I have recently moved to a large home with, like I said, tall cathedral ceilings and a wide open floor plan. I came into it knowing that most of my stronger candles would have a harder time filling up the space than they did in my smaller split-level home. This house would be the ultimate test for a candle's scent-throw. And those that could not stand up to the test would be sent into our media room, a smaller room where we watch TV for enjoyment as we unwind with our favorite shows. I like the idea of having multiple candles burning in their own areas not able to blend their scents together due to having to share an open space. I like to enjoy each candle's unique aroma.

Wax Performance: The wax performed well, with no tunneling. I got those crazy popping, exploding wicks again, so I made sure to light the candle over the sink so the ash wouldn't burn or ruin my entrance table. That is 2 exploding wick candles for me. Other than that, I had no problems with burn, wax or discoloration.

Overall: This scent was nothing to write home about but it was a pleasant smell that gave my home a resort-type feel with it's fruity-herbal blended scent.  I had company over while I burned this candle and got a lot of compliments on this scent, which is always nice because most of my guest don't notice scents (or at least give me any feedback about them!)

Bath & Bodyworks: Bergamot Waters- Candle Review

Today I am reviewing a 14.5 oz, 3-wick candle from Bath & Bodyworks/White Barn called Bergamot Waters. It is presented in a smoky blue glass container and the wax is a creamy white.

The scent description for Bergamot Waters is: a lush blend of blue bergamot waters, creamy sandalwood and a hint of sugared citrus.

Cold Sniff: On cold sniff I got a complex, sweet masculine-type scent. It has that slight hint of whatever it is that BBW keeps putting into all their masculine-type candles, if you know what I mean then you can most likely recall this scent by memory. None the less, I really liked it on cold sniff. I didn't smell any "sugared citrus" but there is an undoubtedly sweet dry-down with this scent. Bergamot is the scent on the foreground here with this candle.  

Hot Throw: this candle was a medium to deep thrower. I had this candle placed in the lower part of my split-level home and it gently wafted all over. I think because the bergamot is a more noticeable, spicy scent, I tended to be more aware of this candle's presence then per say a more natural type smell like a green, of fresh type scent. If you like sweet masculine scents that BBW does, then you will like this scent. I found myself getting overwhelmed with this scent, even nauseated. It's not that it didn't smell good, its just that whatever scent combo it gave off was just not agreeing with me. It was too sickeningly sweet for me, and I like sweet scents. Not sure what it was. I got about half-way done with the candle and gave it to my mother. She said she liked it. This is the FIRST time I have stopped a candle from burning and then given it away. Yikes.

Wax Performance: The candle burned well with no tunneling, but the wicks sparked and set burning ashes afloat upon lighting them. This has been happening to me with BBW candles lately, can anyone relate? Also, my milky-white wax got discolored and turned an ashen-gray color. This is the first time I have noticed such a gross discoloration with BBW/White Barn candles. Perhaps it is because of the sparking wicks? Or maybe that is why they gave us colored glass, so that we would not be as aware of the wax discoloration. Only God knows. 

Overall: This candle appealed to me on cold-sniff but after burning, just became to cloying for me to handle. The wax performed well but the wicks were popping messes of ash and the wax discoloration was pretty gross. It wouldn't deter me from continuing to burn the candle if I liked the scent though, so I wasn't too up in arms about all that, but the scent just no. NO. I would not repurchase this scent.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

719 Walnut Avenue's: Tiki Colada Candle Review

Today's review is on the 14oz, 3 wick candle, Tiki Colada, from the company 719 Walnut Avenue. The wax is a milky white which pools out to a golden yellow. This candle was $5 from Walmart.

The scent description reads: Toes in the sand, and a tiki colada in your hand. The ultimate tropical mix with pineapple, orange and coconut.

Cold Sniff: On cold sniff its a very sweet, coco-nutty pina colada scent. I was ALL OVER this scent because pina coladas are my favorite! I wanted to smell this candle all day, heck, I even wanted to eat this candle. It smelled so delicious, so potent I was excited to light it up.

Hot Throw: What a bummer, man! This candle had virtually no throw. That's right kids, the delectable, strong impression I got on cold-sniff was a ghost of the past once I light this puppy up. *Insert sad-face here* I had this candle burning downstairs in my split-level and had no clue it was even burning. Even hours after the wax pool deepened there was no scent throw. This was like the 719 Walnut Ave candle Honeysuckle Jasmine (not reviewed on here because of the lackluster performance)-a truly lovely cold-sniff experience with no hot-throw euphoria.  While I did notice a waft of fragrance here and there once I moved it to a smaller bedroom, it was nothing special. I was just hoping it would burn out quickly so that I could move on to another candle. If you are looking for an exact number here, I'd say it was a 2 or 3/10.

Wax Performance: The wax seemed a little troubled with this candle, sticking to the sides of the glass jar, not wanting to burn the cleanest. If left it burning for a long enough time it would correct itself out, but there was still something off about this wax burn with this candle. It seemed like it never got hot enough to really burn the wax well, which tells me that it was something about the wax blend itself--as the wicks never got puny or discolored.  I just let the candle do its thing, undisturbed in the upstairs bedroom. Like an invalid in the late 1800's early 1900's who was locked in an attic never to see the light of day (I can't believe people could be so cruel in those days) I just lit and forgot about this candle.

Overall: This candle was a bore in so many ways. It never had a "worthy" scent throw, the wax was troubled and if you really want to pick bones here-the label wasn't that awesome and the wax color was blah. I would NOT repurchase this candle. Which is too bad because I love this coconut blend smell. If you are looking for a strong smelling coconut-hit up BBW. At least you are guaranteed a scent throw from them. Coconuts, man!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Yankee Candle's Cherries on Snow: Candle Review

Today's review is on Yankee Candle's Cherries on Snow, a 22oz, 1 wick, large jar candle. It's wax is a bright, cheerful red that pools out to crimson and has a label with some red cherries resting on some fluffy white snow. This candle is part of the fruit collection.

The scent description on this candle reads: an enchanted, sparkling blend of bright, juicy cherries with sweet almonds and an icy freshness.

Cold Sniff: This candle had a rich, dark cherry smell on cold-sniff. I sensed a slight sweet almond note almost giving the candle a Dr. Pepper smell. I didn't notice any other scents on cold sniff.

Hot Throw: On hot throw this candle evolved into more of a Luden's Cough Drop smell, losing the almond note and becoming just a potent authentic cherry. It was a medium-light thrower, only noticeable when I was around the kitchen island (where I was burning this candle). While it didn't carry the scent throughout the house, it was indeed noticeable--which sometimes you don't get from Yankee's. I'll take semi-noticeable any day over unscented. This candle had almost a medicinal property--just like a cough drop when burning, and I'm not a fan--especially since scents have a memory attached to them, I was put back to a time of ill-health and who wants to remember that?! Although, I'm sure cherry enthusiasts would go ga-ga for this scent.

Wax Performance: The wax performed well in this Yankee, there was a lot of scent oil in this candle which I just love! Whenever I'd blow out the flame and the wax would cool, I'd come to see tiny pin points of bright red fragrance oil seeping to the top. This oil DID NOT inhibit the quality of the burn in this candle, like it had before in my Yankee Candle Exotic Bloom.

Overall: This candle was a pretty good thrower for Yankee Candle, and cherry lovers will rejoice in this scent which was a medium-light thrower. While I was not a fan of the actual scent, I did love the beautiful bright cherry wax and the light that danced off of it. Is it a repurchase? Not particularly, but I may try a different cherry scent from Yankee in its place.  

719 Walnut Avenue's Country Market: Candle Review

Today I am reviewing 719 Walnut Avenue's Country Market which is a 14oz, 3-wick candle that retails for around $5 at Walmart. This candle had a lot of hype about it, being a close dupe to Bath & Bodyworks' Watermelon Lemonade-which I have never burned so I can't be so sure, but as many of you are, I too am always excited about anything claimed to be a dupe! The wax on this candle is an off-white, that pools out to a golden yellow.

The scent description on this candle reads: will post later

Cold Sniff: On cold sniff I got a predominantly candied watermelon smell mixed with some other candied fruit smells maybe strawberry? The result is a highly sugary, synthetic watermelon-type scent. Now, I love all things watermelon-but I am not a fan of watermelon scents because they are always so highly synthetic, so syrupy sweet and nauseating. This is true with this candle, you are not getting an authentic watermelon here, but do we ever get authentic watermelon?! I think not. On cold it seems very highly scented.

Hot Throw: On hot throw this candle is a strong thrower. I'd give it a 9 out of 10, in fact it was so strong that I had to blow it out because it was becoming too overpowering. It filled my whole split level house with a watermelon punch-type smell and overtook all the other lighter smelling candles that I had going at the same time. I'd say that it performed just as well as a Bath & Bodyworks candle in terms of hot scent throw, and for only $5, wow! Excellent value, and definitely worth everyone trying.

Wax Performance: this candle burned well with no issues of small wicks, sooting or tunneling. The wax did not discolor and the strong scent throw did not change as the burn progressed. I was very impressed with this candle's performance.

Overall: with this candle indistinguishable in both packaging, labels and hot scent throw of a Bath & Bodyworks candle, I would say that I was very impressed with this candle albeit me not being in love with the actual scent. It is a great summery scent that with knock the socks off of anyone who burns it (granted you don't get the occasional dud candle). IF you like watermelon scents than this is a no-brainer...GO GET YOU ONE!!